call for remixes

Since the release of my debut album ‚Control‘ back in 2016, I thought about the idea of a remix release of the album. ‚Control‘ refers to different forms of events that are connected to that term. For example: keeping control over your own live, losing self control or control due to ones will or an unforseen event. Right now it seems to be the right moment to kick off this idea to turn into reality. Also, as most likely, a lot of people are at home these days. Hence I give you the control over my sounds to create something out of it while we are in an overall situation that we are not in control of on a wider sense but we can contribute to it on an individual level.

It would be great to receive a remix from you. No one is excluded. If you want to get creative, please feel free to do so.

The idea is to release selected remixes I receive as part of a ‚remix release‘ of ‚Control‘. The release will happen on my label Van Bonn Records and will be digitally. After covering the mastering costs, all profit will be donated to Doctors Without Borders!

Deadline for sending in your remix is 20th of May 2020.

Please download the remix files, further info and FAQ with this link:

I am looking forward hearing from you via info_ä

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